CloudLinux OS Solo

Trusted Linux OS for small businesses and any individual with just one hosting account
24/7 technical support
Based on RHEL known for its reliability
No migration worries with EOL till Mar 31, 2032

Advanced WordPress optimization included

Automated troubleshooting websites performance issue

cPanel Solo compatible

How CloudLinux OS Solo increases WordPress performance on your VPS with AccelerateWP?

Speed up your websites
 Site Caching
Website Optimization
Content Optimization
SmartAdvice for Performance bottlenecks
 Notifications and alerts
Based on evidence that the solution will be effective
One-click install/deployment
Premium set of features avaliable
Object Caching
 Image optimization
 Critical CSS generation
Out-Of-The Box Solution
 User-friendly UI
 Easy installation
 Technical support 24/7

Already using Solo and want to get started with


choose a reliable commercial operating system from trusted industry vendor



200 000





What does CloudLinux OS Solo do?

CL OS Solo includes website monitoring, performance detection, and performance optimization tools, they allow to make sure that the website is up and running, help in investigating problems with WordPress, PHP, Database, and speed up a website.

How can I test CloudLinux OS Solo? +

You can submit a registration form on this page or right direction to [email protected] and we will send you a Beta testing guide.

How much does CloudLinux OS Solo Cost? +

Pricing for the CloudLinux OS Solo is expected to be: 1 license: $7 2-4 licenses: $6 5-49 licenses: $5 50+ licenses: $4

How can I buy Cloudlinux OS Solo? +

Please contact us via [email protected] to receive a quote asap.