Linux kernels, libraries, and packages are no longer getting updated when a Linux distribution enters into an end-of-life state. It puts your servers, your data, and your business at risk of a cyberattack.
But, there is good news.
You can easily and safely stay compliant with Extended Lifecycle Support services from CloudLinux. We will help you buy the time you need to migrate to a supported operating system or upgrade to the newest version of your current Linux flavor.
We’ve always been there for you, and you can expect that same continued support through the end of life of your current system.
CloudLinux is already providing extended lifecycle support for CentOS 6 and 8 – CentOS 7 isn’t far behind. When the EOL comes, you won’t feel a thing.
• Patches available soon after CVEs go public.
• Easy setup, no migration required.
• Kernel and critical package updates.
• Years of support
- The Linux kernel
- Common shared libraries like glibc, openssh, openssl, and zlib. httpd, mysql, php.
- Userspace packages.
- Other packages, including: acl, acpid, at, attr, audit, authconfig, basesystem, bash, bc, blktrace, bridge-utils, busybox, bzip2, crash, cyrus-imapd, cyrus-sasl, db4-utils, device-mapper, dhclient, dhcpv6, dmidecode, dos2unix, dovecot, ed, gcc, gd, gdb, glib2, groff, info, Iptstate, logrotate, lslk, lvm2, makedev, nfs4-acl-tools, nfs-utils, nspr, ntp, opensp, pam, perl, procmail, procps, python, rcs, rds-tools, rhnlib, rsync, rsyslog, setroubleshoot, setserial, setup, sos, stunnel, tzdata, vim, wget, yum-metadata-parser, yum-rhn-plugin