Getting started with CloudLinux OS Shared

Centralized Monitoring


In this video, I’ll show you how to find a performance bottleneck with the Centralized Monitoring feature. On the main page, we can see the top high-loaded servers for the last minute. Let’s open the server details page. Here you can see charts showing the server load over time. Parameters like network traffic, CPU, Input/Output, and others can help you to find the performance bottleneck. For example, if there is very high memory or high CPU usage. At the end of the page, there are the top five high loaded users on this server. Let’s go to the user details page. It displays the LVE load for all parameters, limits, and hitting limits. Let’s select the last five minutes and check the LVE load. Same as for the server the charts show the LVE metrics. You can use these charts to monitor LVE usage. And you can see what metric has the highest load. Let’s reproduce the real situation when the traffic increases. And load on the server with requests and see how the charts will change.

Using the Centralized Monitoring feature we are able to find the most loaded server and user. Using charts we can easily detect which server is the most loaded and what metric causes this load. We can also detect the most loaded user on the server. When the load increases we can see that the user goes to the top. And we can see user parameters changing in time. And detect which metric causes the load, see its limits and current usage.

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